
AWANA 爱主童军


2019/09/07 - 2020/05/01    
3:45 下午 - 5:00 下午


10511 Salt Mill Hollow, Austin, TX, 78750

Event Type

本周8/18/2019 開始接受報名(报名表格下载),同时有服事心意的青少年(LIT) 也需要报名以及培训。  09/07 将第一次活动开始。 AWANA俱樂部面向3至12歲的兒童及青少年,根據年齡和年級的不同分以下三個班:
  1. Cubbies (Age 3 – 4)
  2. Sparks (K – Grade 2)
  3. T&T (Grade 3 – 6)

Awana俱樂部的活動時間是每週日3:45-5:00 PM


  1. 繪畫手工活動;
  2. 哥哥姐姐帶領Puppet show, 唱歌跳舞,講故事,做遊戲,homework checking;


  1. 遊戲時間;
  2. 研讀時間;
  3. 小組時間。

Awana出自新約聖經提摩太後書2:15,由英語經文「Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed」每個單詞的首個英文字母組合而成,中文翻譯出來的意思就是在神面前「得蒙喜悅作無愧的工人」。目標是幫助兒童認識聖經真理、學習團隊精神、溝通技巧和建立自信。

RCCA AWANA clubbers meet every Sunday afternoon from 3:40PM -5PM. Every meeting consists of three major components: music worship, group story, handbook time and games. All children from Pre-K to Grad 5 are welcome.

We welcome youth of 7 Grade and above to help out with the AWANA club. You will serve as club leaders and play diffident roles. LITs are required to attend at least one training session. To attend the training, simply show up at the church and come to the second floor, the big room for youth. Click here to download the LIT application form.